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Glen Cairn Community Meeting - What's Happening


Hosted by the City of London, a Glen Cairn Community Meeting was held April 14, at St. Sebastian Catholic School. Community members were given the opportunity to learn about future projects coming to our neighbourhood. 

  • Glen Cairn Park - New playgrounds, new walk ways, 70 trees planted, Community Clean & Greens.

  • Glen Cairn Pool - Do you use our community pool? Watch for summer consultations from the City to determine community interest. Your valued input is important. Stayed tuned to our website and subscribe to our newsletter for future survey information.

  • Glen Cairn and Silverwood arenas closing in 2018 with programs transferring to new facilities in south west (Southdale & Wonderland) and south east (East Lions Park) London.

We want to hear your thoughts, comments and concerns. Email us at


Glen Cairn Community park improvements


Here in the Glen Cairn neighbourhood, we have a beautiful green-space known as the Glen Cairn Community Park. In 2013, Glen Cairn Community Partners adopted the park through the City of London's Adopt-a-Park program and have held several clean-up and tree planting events, as well as an open house to discuss park use with local residents.


Park improvements are set to begin this year. Improvements to date include: 

  • Added more garbage cans at park entrances 

  • Planted shade trees along pathways  

  • Removed invasive buckthorn shrubs at Shirl Street wooded area 

  • Installed three benches at requested sites

This spring, the City of London is planning more improvements to the park and wants feedback from community members as to what you would like to see completed over the next three years. Click here to provide your valued input for upcoming projects and upgrades to the Glen Cairn Community Park. Glen Cairn Community Park Survey 


Glen Cairn Community Day took place April 16, and in addition to cleaning up Glen Cairn Park, community members came together to plant trees. Julie Welker with the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority provided some quick and easy instructions for planting the trees.

Thanks to all the volunteers and Glen Cairn Community Partners who came out for this environmentally-minded day.

Community Heroes


Community Heroes make great things happen because they recognize the importance of a strong community.


Community Heroes help their neighbours because they know building and nurturing solid relationships is important. They work tirelessly to create and maintain a healthy, vibrant community without seeking out personal accolades or monetary reward. The success of their efforts -- helping friends, neighbours and the community overall --  is reward enough!


If you know someone who is a Community Hero take the time to nominate them for a Community Hero Award.


Nominations can be made in the following categories:


  • Good Neighbour Award

  • Youth Award (Ages 12-19)

  • Community Action Award

  • Volunteer Award

  • Community Partner Award


Your nominee should fit the following criteria:


  • Must have made a meaningful contribution that benefited the Glen Cairn/Pond Mills area or a  member of that community.

  • This accomplishment must not be part of their regular employment duties.

  • Nominees can be individuals, groups, organizations, corporations or businesses.

Glen Cairn Inter-generational Community Choir

More Info

Our Growing Community

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